Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Video Art Experiment Results

At last I have some actual live moving footage of my video art experiments to show you. This piece is one of the set of pieces I've been working on using the Vietnamese Buddhist DVDs. That project has taken on some interesting forms as I've strived to effectively work with that particular set of unusual abundant material. I had hoped to keep the set pure, in that what i did with that material would stay confined to a cohesive body of work related onyl the the source material and no other external sources. But it harder to keep art in a cage than you think. So here is the first moving video i have to show you. The sound is made of cutups of various things, Finnish newscasts, Telugu oldies, etc. Enjoy!

Video Art Update 061813

I've been busy again on the video art front, now that I have a little more time to devote to artistic endeavours. The focus has been to some degree the reuse of VHS resources I've been encountering. For instance, some of the tapes I found in the Goodwill's ten-cent bin were religious in nature, long two-hour tapes of sermons, and on some pretty nice tape too. They make for a nice big canvas to work with, as some possible uses for the video art footage I'm creating will be for extended background play in various settings.

So here is a hpoto reel of some of the most recent sessions. What you're seeing is photos of the screen in action. Since the mix is laid down to VHS tape, and then digitized later, we don't get the benefit of live screenshots until the processing is done, so these will have to do!

Some of the scenes, even those they were made up of a lot of 'spiritual' source material, came out kind of evil looking in places.

Monday, June 3, 2013

New Video Art Experiments.

I recently came across a video mixer, and I've been busily working with it to create different kinds of video art experiments. in fact, I've been so busy doing them that I've not had time to report on them yet. here's a short report with some pictures of the setup and some of the results. Soon i'll have some of the results in a more digital, viewable form, but for now, here's what I've got to show you.